Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Semiotics is the study of signs. It is similar to connoted and denoted meanings because of the way it is possible to describe a sign in different ways. Some signs we use to communicate with others are arbitrary. Some signs are embedded into a language requiring you to learn language conventions to understand them, once understood these signs can appear natural. Some natural signs can hide prejudices and cultural habits which are engraved into that specific sign. Overall a sign is made up of a signifier being signified which turns it into a sign. For example a car is the signifier, and a possible signified meaning for me is passion, this makes up a sign because for me cars is a sign for passion.
There are three different types of sign:
                Icon - This resembles itself, for example a map.
                Index - caused by something, for example it being corporate.
·        Symbol – arbitrary (learnt) relationship. For example a handshake means greeting.

This is a video I found, it is from Martha Rosler’s semiotics of the kitchen which was made in 1975. In this video she names the kitchen instruments from a-z. It replicates the lives led by women in the 60’s that is why the video seems boring and tedious. Huge difference from this to now on how women live. Semiotics of the Kitchen (TakeMeldina, 2007).

·         (2011) [Online] Available at: (accessed: 13th April 2012).
·         (2011) [Online] Available at: (accessed: 13th April 2012).
·         (2011) [Online] Available at: (accessed: 13th April 2012).
·         TakeMeldina (2007) Semiotics of the Kitchen Available at: (accessed: 13th April 2012).

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